If you know of someone who would like to participate and raise an animal or two for their neighbors at the Clark County Food Bank, please have them contact us! We also have Youth that would love to share about YEAH at your next meeting or gathering. YEAH is a win-win organization alleviating hunger issues NOW while building community service minded leaders for the FUTURE!


The YEAH Program needs YOUTH!!! If you are interested in making a difference in the community, working with other bright and motivated youth, learning about service through a variety of projects, and gaining leadership leadership experience, consider joining the YEAH Youth Council. The youth council is Youth Led, Youth involvement and Youth FUN!

Each month,  the YEAH youth council gets to participate and listen to and learn from an agriculture presenter from the community such as representatives from Purina, Reister Farms, BiZi Farms and many others. If you have questions about the YEAH Youth Council, e-mail:  yeah@yeahofclarkcounty.org

Youth, 4-H and FFA members, youth groups, parents and other individuals can volunteer with YEAH through a variety of activities.  YEAH volunteers can organize food drives, work with the YEAH committee to raise animals that can be donated to the Clark County Food Bank, organize fundraisers, and much more.  YEAH is always looking for more youth who want to make a difference within the community and adult volunteers who want to join an active committee working to alleviate hunger within Clark County. 

Winter Animals

Youth interested in raising animals to support the Clark County Food Bank, can contact YEAH to provide guidance and assistance.  YEAH has had youth raising animals throughout the year.  Youth do not have to have any prior experience raising the animal in order to participate in the project, just a willingness to learn and have fun!  If you are interested in participating in the YEAH Winter Animal Program, please e-mail yeah@yeahofclarkcounty.org.

Questions? Feel free to contact us!

Donations of money, meat, or canned goods to YEAH help feed hungry individuals and families in Clark County. YEAH is asking YOU to become a part of our  AMAZING team! Contact us TODAY to see how you can get involved. If you are looking to sponsor an event or donate, click here to go to the donation page.

Clay Roberts

Labe Roberts

Hope Roberts

Faith Roberts

Kiley Ballard

Grace Jackson

Gavin Besteman

Emily Camping

Kate Bias

Ella Konency

Aqouia Coss

Hallye Byford

Taylre Byford

Trent Roth

Braden Roth

Kia Cook-Luna

Elaina Tavison

 Shiane Thompson.

YEAH Youth Council

How YOU Can Get Involved

Jonah Cady

Hunter Babcock,

Willow Babcock,

Kaitlyn Hann

 Aiyana Hann

Jedidiah Mitchell

Evelyn Mitchell

Nathan Mitchell

Zachary Coder

Maddy Coder

 Megan Coder

Lanelle Clark

Julia Clark

Sharon Clark

Sam Glackler

Joey Griffith

Logan Griffith

Tristan Tavison

YEAH Youth Council
